How to calculate your Neo Gas Reward

Neo (formerly known as Antshares) is often referred to as the “Chinese Ethereum” or Ethereum’s killer”.  Neo is considered the first decentralized, open-source cryptocurrency blockchain platform launched in China.

NEO has two Cryptocurrencies

  • NEO (formerly known as Anthshares -ANS)
  • GAS (formerly known as Antcoins -ANC)

Using the site you can calculate how much gas you can earn while holding Neo. The actual calculation rate is at around 5.17% of your NEO holdings.

Example: If you have 100 NEO ($14’000), you will earn about 10.6 GAS per year. 10.6 GAS is valued at $730  (1 GAS = $68.84)

These values can change since the value of NEO and GAS is volatile.


An important thing to note, is that you will not receive any gas if you keep your coins on bitfinex. Only a few exchanges distribute GAS. It is recommended to keep your coins on a wallet that supports GAS distribution.  i.e NEON