Hi guys, I’m glad you’re tuning of me today. Hope you’re having a fantastic day, wherever you are, and today we’re going to have a look at the ethereum 2.0 staking ecosystem report by consensus. So if you’re interested in, ethereum staking and you want to have some insights on what the staking ecosystem statistics looks like, understanding what other ether holders are going to do, are they going to stake the ether with a third party?
Are they going to host their own validator nodes? How much ether are they going to stake? Well all of this info is going to be in today’s video. So sit back, relax and enjoy the video. My name is Kierin I create, defi and crypto content to make sure that you are ready for the next bull run. It’s a very interesting report and highlights all the pain points, incentives, and motivations of the ether holders that were interviewed in the survey. In order to create this report, consensus conducted a quantitative survey in order to understand ether holders when it comes to ethereum 2.0 staking. So I won’t go through the complete report, I’ll link it down below so you can look at it. What I want to share if you are highlights of this report, because I’m sure that’s what interests you the most.
So like I mentioned before, 287 people were asked, even though this emphasize is relatively small, 287 is not a lot of respondents. I still think it’s possible to create a broad, some broad observations and deductions based on the respondents of the 287 respondents around 65% plan to stake eth.
And half of the 65% want to run their own validator node. So here I’ve got a donut chart with the eth to staking preferences. A partial response, 16.7% are the respondents that didn’t complete the survey. Will not stake is 2.8%. Undecided is 14.6%. Users that want to use a third party are 43.1% and 42.8% want to run their own a validator.
So this is the very interesting segmented bar chart with the amount of ether health by user type. They’ve got four different categories of black is will not stake blue is undecided if they want to stake or not. Green is use a third party and red is run my own validator. So it’s actually quite interesting.
Of course those with less one eth. If there’s a larger portion that doesn’t want to stake because they can actually stake and the amount that doesn’t want to stake decreases, the more eth they’ve got and what increases as well as the amount that wants to run their own validator. Well, it’s actually quite interesting is even though many users have more than 32 if they’re still willing to go with a staking pool and they don’t really want to stake and host their own validator node.
That may be due to the technical difficulties and the steep learning curve involved in hosting your own validator nodes. It’s understandable that staking rewards play a big role when, talking about ethereum staking and those that plans to run their own validator expect an average, staking reward of 5.8% and from those that plan to use a staking pool, they’ve got an average staking rewards expectation of 7.6% actually makes sense that it’s a lot higher.
Then those planning to run their own validator nodes because of staking pool is going to take a cut from the earnings, and for those that are still undecided an average of 9.4% it’s going to sway their mind and they will become a validator but, it’s not clear if they would host it on validator nodes or they would actually use a staking pool.
And by the way, if you haven’t seen it before, there’s a fantastic, ethereum 2.0 staking rewards calculator on Google sheets, I know you can use a lot of parameters to make pretty accurate estimations on your profit and costs of either your validator or your VPS. So I’ll link it down below and you can check it out at your leisure.
What’s actually quite interesting is when these ether holders were asked what kind of management features they would like, the most requested was slashing protection, because slashing is definitely one of the worst thing that can happen to you validator. Now, the second best option would be an analytics and monitoring nodes as well as slashing alerts.
For those ether holders that are going to use a third party service. They also have some feature requests, and the most requested is reward compounding. That means all their staking rewards get compounded. Which is definitely a very good feature in my opinion. Then afterwards, what they also want is analytics and monitoring rewards, which was selected for 47.1% and after that is as well slashing protection, but the slashing protection would only be for those people that are hosting the nodes with her third party.
This is actually quite interesting. This is the trust gauge. So those third party services are the most trusted in the space, and the one with the highest trust is Coinbase. Then afterwards is binance and prysmatic labs. I made a few videos on prysmatic labs on how you can install the prysm validator clients on your machine, and then afterwards, the stake, stake Capitol stake, stake.fish.
A lot of other third party providers. In terms of education I’m quite surprised that less than 35% of the respondents to the survey indicated a sound understanding of ethereum 2.0 economics. But what doesn’t surprise me is that of course, those people that are planning on becoming a validator, as soon as ethereum 2.0 staking is possible. Well they’ve got the best knowledge in terms of staking, in terms of starting a validator or the mechanics behind that, and those with the least knowledge have actually answered that they don’t really want to stake or they’re more or less undecided if they actually wanted to stake or not. So it actually makes sense because if they don’t really understand how it works, they can’t really build a proper opinion on the matter. That was today’s video. Hope you found it interesting and you’ve got a little bit of insight on what other ether holders are thinking in the space.
If they want to stake, if they don’t want to stake how much ether, they want to actually put into them validator into a third party. So yeah, maybe it gives you a little bit better understanding of what’s happening in the whole ecosystem. You find all the links down below to the article, the Twitter feeds, and also that ethereum 2.0 staking rewards calculator on goolge sheets. I wish you a fantastic day I’ll catch you on the next video. Have a good one. Bye bye.