The Next Financial Crisis will destroy Millenials - You need to act now!

Source article: The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials Millennials are already in debt and without savings. After the next downturn, they’ll be in even bigger trouble.

The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials

Millennials are already in debt and without savings.

After the next downturn, they’ll be in even bigger trouble.

The trade war is dragging on. The yield curve is inverting. If you are watching this video then you are probably between 25 and 35 and are starting to notice the notice the consequences of the last recession. I think it’s in your best interest to watch until the end of this video as by knowing more about what can happen to our generation during the next generation will help us become more prepared. Investors are fleeing to safety. Global growth is slowing.

The stock market is dipping. The Millennials are screwed. Watch the video to find out more