What happens If You Delete a ledger Nano S That has Funds on it?
Nothing! Do not Worry Your Funds are Safe.
The Ledger Nano S saves your private keys of your Wallet.
Your actual Funds are not on the Ledger Nano S but on the Blockchain.
I have no space on my Ledger Nano S! What do I do?
You might even have to delete an Application from the Ledger Nano S to install an other Crypto-currency Application if you run out of space
You can install the Following Cryptocurrency Apps on the Ledger Nano S
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, FIDO(U2F) <- 2FA with ledger, Dogecoin, Zcash, Dash, Stratis, Ripple, BCH, Komodo, Ethereum Classic, POSW, Ark, Expanse, UBIQ, PIVX, Vertcoin, Viacoin, Neo, Stealthcoin, Bitcoin Gold, Stellar, HCASH, Digibyte, Qtum